Writing Jobs Online (writing-jobs.net) review

Happy writer. Passive internet income. Make money online.

We all would love some passive income – earning enough to pay all our bills (and more) sitting at home (or anywhere in the world), in our underpants if we so choose. Even better if it needs just our laptop, and our minds. Nothing else to learn from scratch, such as computer programming, except how to form thoughts and put them out clearly.

Writing is that one vocation that can help us achieve this result. “The pen is mightier than the sword” as the saying goes.

So if you have basic language skills, some creativity, and empathy (compassion or care for people’s lives and stories), then you can make the money you need with just a few minutes a day (yes, it does sound to good to be true, but this is completely legit. It works.)

With these thoughts in mind, I went looking online for options and resources for me to start using my time, skills and interest wisely. After all, unless we accurately target our audiences, platforms and topics to write about, it would be very easy to waste energy and get dejected rather quickly.

Already decided?

Click here to buy ‘Writing Jobs Online’ now at the official website. Risk-free.
Plus avail latest discounts, promotions & bonuses
as well as full money back guarantee. 

Price: $1 for a 1 week trial, and then just $27 monthly

Creator: Glen Anderson

What is Writing Jobs Online all about?

Writing Jobs Online is a platform for freelance writers. It gives us access to tools, resources and information that can save us hundreds (even thousands) of hours of work & time finding how and where to publish what we write, and find paying jobs. It’s aim is to help anyone with a passion to write to make a decent income and profit from our craft.

On their home page, you will see many logos of big companies with famous names – Fox, CNN, BBC, AOL, TMZ, Yahoo, New York Times, USA Today, MSNBC, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post to mention a few. These are, I think, for show only, as potential outlets where you can be published. The website do not claim to have any links or tieups with these brands, but rather are the source of ways to get noticed by these organisations.

When you join their membership, you will get full access to different writing jobs offers within their members area. All you ham to do is:

  1. Choose a Job
  2. Submit your work
  3. Get Paid

It works

Writing Jobs Online membership Includes:

  1. Access to Writing Jobs Database – the main value
  2. Access to thousands of High-Paying work at home online writing jobs – updated daily!
  3. FREE Tutorials on how to become a six figure writing job freelancer
  4. FREE Blogging Tools and Softwares
  5. FREE Writing Softwares
  6. FREE Electronic Sticky Notes Software – not necessary in my opinion.
  7. FREE Organizer Software
  8. FREE Writing Manuals
  9. FREE Ebooks
  10. FREE Audiobooks
  11. Unlimited Email Support

These are a lot value indeed, coupled with unlimited income opportunity, and the 60 day money back guarantee.

They do claim that “$8,000,000 is the amount our happy members have been paid to date” right upfront on their website That is pretty huge and a bold claim.

Writing jobs online claim

The opportunity that Writing Jobs Online (WJO) gives you:

  • Earn up to $30-$120 per hour
  • Get paid up to $50 per article
  • Get paid up to $500-$1,000 for short ebooks
  • Get cash from 1,000’s of our daily high-paying writing jobs
  • All kinds of writing jobs from you to choose from
  • Flexible working hours, work when you want to
  • Write content anywhere in the world
  • No experience needed to join!

Thousands of High-Paying Writing Jobs to choose from:

  • Article Writing
  • Blogging
  • Book Reviewer
  • Book Writing
  • Business Plans
  • Business Proposals
  • Communications Writing
  • Content Editing
  • Content Writing
  • Coordinator
  • Copy Editing
  • Copywriting (Sales copy)
  • Corporate Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Documentation Writing
  • Entertainment Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • Financial Writing
  • FAQ’s Writing
  • Games and Gadgets
  • Ghost Writing
  • Grant Writing
  • Journalism
  • Legal Writing
  • Magazine Writing
  • Medical Writing
  • News & Journalism
  • Proofreading
  • Press Release
  • Research
  • Resume Writing
  • Research Writing
  • Reviews Writing
  • Screen writing
  • SEO Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Travel Writing
  • Website Writing
  • And Many More!

Is Writing Jobs Online a Scam?

Writing Jobs Online is not a scam. Like any product in the world, it is not perfect or a solution to everything, nor does it claim to be. It promises you writing job leads, and that’s what it gives you. All in one place, carefully evaluated and selected for you. This saves you the time and energy of research that you can instead spend doing what you love – writing for fun and profit!

Online chatter

A lot of trolls online say this is a scam. Many pose as skeptics who are paid off by lower quality competition to lie – a dirty trick as old as the internet. They even shamelessly misquote and misrepresent this product – such as dissing the “Free Trial” when the official website says nothing of that sort. It clearly states “Trial” at just 1 dollar for the first week – it is not free, but near it! I would say, it takes quite a lot of confidence (and generosity) as a product creator to let people check it out like this. I ask you, how little is that – even including the subsequent just 27 bucks per month? Answer: if you gain even 1 idea or resource from this (because paying even a token amount makes you serious about doing it properly, making full use), what you earn will far over supersede many times over what you may pay.


All in all, for a few dollars, you buy yourself not only a consolidated, curated, and concise set of resources that put on the path of fortune, but also a token of accountability and seriousness that lower quality or cheaper directories out there just will not.

Click here to buy ‘Writing Jobs Online’ now at the official website. Risk-free.
Plus avail latest discounts, promotions & bonuses as well as full money back guarantee. 


Honest Opinion & Full Review of Internet Jetset by John Crestani

This is an honest review of Internet Jetset (also known as IM Jetset) by John Crestani, the famous online marketing guru.


John aims to help ordinary people start an profitable, sustainable online business from nothing – just like he did.

If I heard that anywhere else I’d run a mile – but John Crestani is the real deal.

If you haven’t already checked out his free webinar then I absolutely urge you to do so. And if you have already seen the page but you didn’t watch the webinar video all the way, then I urge you to go back watch it again, this time till the end.

You can get access to his webinar here.

Watch it carefully because John shares some golden hacks throughout the webinar. What I liked was his genuine openness and honest about what the course contains (and what it does not!).

The webinar is just about 2 hours & is free, so everything to gain with no risk.

For those of you who have already watched the webinar but are still not entirely sure whether or not you should join in, welcome to my review.

In this review I will attempt to gave you a thorough explanation about the program in depth. I will also help you decide for yourself whether or not IM Jetset can indeed help YOU… Before you part with a single dime.

Sound good? Cool – let’s get going…

First, take a look inside IM Jetset. Before we get started, here’s what this course is and what it isn’t.

Internet Jetset Is:

  • An internet marketing training course teaching several legitimate (ethical, white hat, and long-term sustainable) ways to make money online. John teaches us the key to FREE & relevant traffic generation – ensuring that vast numbers of “hungry buyers” i.e. high-quality, high-converting visitors who have both the ability AND willingness to pay.
  • A wonderful way (skills, knowledge, and attitude) to earn a living online, or just add to our current income.
  • Ideally suited for beginners, all the way to marketers with some experience.

Internet Jetset Is not:

  • A get-rich-quick scheme. Some time and patient input is needed. But the rewards are more than worth it.
  • A way to make 4-figures a day, every day, in just a few minutes – not initially at least.
  • Something we can master in a day. Having said that, even half-an-hour every day can go a very long way in use becoming a “natural”.

YES, “The Magic of Internet Marketing” really does works. All it takes is a little love, and keeping our eyes on the prize.

Click here to watch John Crestani’s video

Who am I, My story

I am just like you. I wish to live free. Life is more than struggling for petty dollars day in and day out with folks you may dislike, not to mention the timings, stress – deadlines, pressure, the boss, co-workers, clothes, commute, office space, and the work itself, random crises & urgent deliverables, lack of control over one’s own financial destiny, and shortfall of time with family and friends doing things we love, whenever, wherever we want.

Who is the author, his credibility

John Crestani is known for what he has accomplished at such a young age and from such humble beginnings to such heights so fast. As well as being a kind and generous soul in the form of a teacher / mentor to thousands of other people in his “tribe”.

He’s been invited to major media outlets for his thoughts – Forbes, Business Insider and Inc. magazine to name a few.

Your Investment

I am happy to say that IM Jetset is only $47 for the entire course which is about 8-10 hours long!

John’s flagship super affiliate course (and membership to his CPA network) runs into several thousands of dollars in cost.

IM Jetset Funnel

Front End: $47 is for the video training and resources. This recurs monthly for updates.

Upsell: $187 gives us access to a set of lengthy peek-behind-the-curtain case studies and interviews with some masterminds of making money online.

Downsell: $67 for limited access to the upsell mentioned above.

Upsell 2: $47 per month – webinars and updates. John is very good at sharing his thoughts through videos and live interactive webinars so there will be many of these. Webinars are recorded in case you miss them and left in your member’s area.

The good news is that one can cancel whenever we want, and if not entirely satisfied, we can request for a full refund within 60 days of initial purchase. The 100% money back guarantee is powered by Clickbank, based in Utah, USA.


  • Very comprehensive.
  • John is a great teacher. He saves us time by cutting out unnecessary BS / noise.
  • Instant access, right to your inbox.
  • Portable, carry and access wherever on your smart device.
  • 0-risk-free because of the iron clad 100% money back guarantee within initial full 60 days powered by ClickBank, the world’s largest platform of its kind, based right here in the USA.


  • This course only focuses on FREE traffic sources and training, unless you invest in the upsell which touches on some paid traffic methods. Free traffic is great because it has no risk, other than the extra time and work you will need to put in to get truly huge results.
  • No one-on-one training, but you won’t get that kind of personal attention anywhere else for $47. For similar results though, just join the forum.
  • John can get ‘academic’ sometimes – his explanations can seem ‘deep’ or complex. But as with any significant course, the way out is to watch some videos more than once times, and take notes. Once it ‘clicks’, its like magic.
  • Not for everyone, needs time and attention. Some love that fuels dedication to the art, craft, skill and science of online marketing – the attutude, the habits, the work flow, creativity and tenacity to victory.
  • It can seem rather long initially. Because, remember, it is not a quick fix instant cash in hand solution
  • What else… ah, not in published form.
  • Not free! But then, what in life worth it is?
  • John’s style can take a little getting used to.

Conclusion. Is it a SCAM?

I can emphatically say it is not. And because of the generous guarantee, it is risk-free! Making it a “no brainer” choice for you!