Review of Ric & Liz Thompson’s Cosmic Energy Profile – Is it a Scam?

Every person on the planet is unique – the way we look, think, feel and act. Yet, we are also surprisingly similar in a number of ways – we all have so many things in common. For one, we all seek our own version of happiness, joy, contentment and satisfaction. We want to avoid pain, misery and mistakes – made by us or those around us. We wish to be in control of destiny – for the betterment of all, starting with ourselves. We seek love and understanding, and are very lucky if we find those easily enough.

What Is Cosmic Energy Profile?

Cosmic Energy Profile is based on an ancient calendar.

Every day, week, and month have their own energy profile. These energies interact with the world around us day in and day out.

Our Cosmic Energy profile holds the key to unlocking our potential.

Based on Mayan science going back thousands of years, our cosmic energy signature was created on the day we were born. This is an imprint on the universe itself, like a ripple in a lake that moves grains of sand on the shore.

Our profile includes all the components of our galactic signature, as well clues it has to the future ahead.

By becoming aware of it, we get prepared for the day with insight into the tone of our energy, our galactic symbol, color, and Day Sign.

These elements affect our intentions, desires, power and impediments each day. Combined with an in-depth analysis of our cosmic destiny; this is a vital tool – an asset – to realize our true destiny and the life we want.

Click here to download, get access to your own Cosmic Energy Profile instantly at the official website. Risk-free.

cosmic energy profile

Features, Benefits, and Advantages of Cosmic Energy Profile

To understand how the Cosmic Energy profile works, it is a good idea to look at each of the features of the profile and how they benefit our daily life. Here they are:

Free Energy Profile

By visiting the website, you get instant access to a free energy profile. All you need to do is enter your name, email, and exact birth date.  You then receive information about your Galactic Signature, the color associated with your signature, your cosmic tone, and your day sign.

What is Galactic Signature: Galactic Signature represents both our inner and outer facets with respect to the world around us. Remember, there is a universe both outside our skin, and inside it. There are 260 possible Galactic Signatures (the 20 Days Signs multiplied by the 13 Galactic Tones) which means less than 1 in 250 of the world’s population has the same Galactic Signature as you!

These details are just the beginnings of understanding your cosmic energy. They are a crucial starting point where you can immediately get a glimpse into how your energy interacts with the universe on a high level.

Knowing how the flow will impact your strengths and daily challenges, and receiving helpful tips like meditation prompts gives you on-the-spot action items to start your journey.

Personal Destiny Chart

In your personal destiny chart, you’ll dive deep into five personalized and life-changing areas. They are your:

  • Guide Kin – Your most influential sign that reflects your higher self. It represents not only your individual karma but that of your family and ancestors and will play a significant role in your life decisions.
  • Occult Kin – This helps us unlock your hidden “superpower” and align it with our “why”. The reasons why we are on this planet are outlined here. You will notice some truly magical transformations which starts to happen as everything better.
  • Destiny Kin – There are symbols which you will find in the destiny charts that are integrated with your life. If you pay attention, you will find that there is more to it than just destiny. You will have a deeper and richer understanding of everything that has is and has been going on around you.
  • Antipode Kin – Antipode means “diametrically opposite”. This largely reflects on the men and how they influence the life of a woman. The masculine energy is the unleashed power which is in every human. It propelled us to succeed against challenges to get done all that we need to do.They are the elements that give you the drive that will inspire fame and achievement. Thus, you will find your way to the pinnacle and prime of life. This masculine energy will not only help you understand the men in your life, but it’s also a source of strength. When properly integrated, we find the flow in the universe rather than feeling like we are always fighting against it.
  • Analog Kin – The analog kin is the feminine power within in us that is the opposite and complement of the antipode kin. It gives us all that we need to know about achieving our greatest desires while being true to the very best aspects of our feminine nature. Understanding this supportive feminine power from the universe will uncover your true character, and helps us realize our best selves.


Click here to download, get access to your own Cosmic Energy Profile instantly at the official website. Risk-free.

Full Cosmic Energy Profile

The full cosmic profile will give you a deep dive look into your life and the way it is supposed to fit in the universe.

Your Full Cosmic Energy Profile includes your complete Destiny Chart. This helps you gain a profound understanding of your true self.

Having the complete profile of your quantum self, the details about your support sign & your strengthening sign, and the symbol of your hidden power are the launch pad to start transforming your divine destiny.

The beauty of this product is that they make it very simple to apply, as easy as ABC, to start transforming your life immediately

The crucial element of the full profile is meaning translated into real-world action steps that you can apply to your daily life. This can give us surprisingly quick results and a massive sense of satisfaction.

Daily Cosmic Energy Reading

The Daily Cosmic Energy Reading is the icing on the cake. While your energy is more or less constant, the power of the universe ebbs and flows significantly every day. Once a week on Sundays, a reading for each of the next 7 days is delivered via email. This has a pertinent overview of what you can expect for the coming week.

Enlightened with this knowledge, we become prepared for what is going to arise before us. “Forewarned is forearmed”. We can now align our intention and momentum to flow just right with each moment – thus manifesting our highest potential. This helps us destroy the fear in us that the whole world being against us. After all, often fear is F.E.A.R. or false evidence appearing real. Instead, we are empowered to use the currents and tides beforehand to make our success effortless.

Who are the creators – Ric & Liz Thompson


The content, in part, has been inspired by it but largely has been put together over the last 15 years of personal research and travel by Ric and Liz Thompson. The late Jose Arguelles and his Foundation For Time played a vital role in creating the Dreamspell system that was the basis for the date and sign calculations.

Who Should Not Buy Cosmic Energy Profile

As with anything under the sun, it is not for everyone all the time.

With regards to wanting to understand the connection of our astral energies with our present and future, only a lucky set of people in the world are ready and hungry enough. This set perhaps including you because you are reading this! They need to be prepared to learn some hard truths about one’s self.

If you are currently not open to accept change (even if for the better) then this might not be the right time for you.

Before you buy your profile ask yourself:

  • Am I ready to achieve happiness and success beyond my wildest dreams?
  • Do I want to know the truth about where my energy belongs in the universe?
  • Am I prepared to have good things come to me easily?
  • Is the time right to effortlessly attract the people, energy, happiness, and opportunities that I long for?
  • Do I want to feel fulfilled with my life, at the end of every day.Only if you have answered yes for to any of the questions above, is Cosmic Energy Profile is right for you.


Usually at $47 (which is already very reasonable), the current promotion cost is just 7 bucks! Includes FREE 7-day trial membership of the Daily Energy Readings to continue at the discounted $19.97 per month(which you may cancel at any time – and keep your Full Personal Cosmic Destiny Chart!)

Final Verdict & Recommendation

So I am sure you are thinking, is Cosmic Energy Profile a scam? Well, the short answer is – “no”. This is a legitimate product, made with a great deal of research and care behind it. It works as intended and articulated in the program itself. They do not make claims like – “Perfect solution for everyone”, because nothing in life really is. And what’s more, if you wish to see whether it is a right fit for your life and goals right now – free of any risk of loss, and with all to gain, you can!

Click here to get instant access your own Cosmic Energy Profile at the official website today. Risk-free!